If you need to convert your RMB cash holdings into Canadian dollars or other currencies, or if you need to exchange RMB for travel, work, living, study or importing goods to China, NZDA Canada's RMB exchange service offers the best exchange rates for you. We specialize in handling all kinds of RMB exchange issues and ensure the efficiency and security of each transaction.
The currency exchange services we offer include:
Renminbi Remittance
NZDA Canada has close correspondent clearing relationships with major commercial banks in China to quickly convert and remit your Canadian dollar payments to your designated RMB account, making it the ideal settlement tool for import payments, small online purchases, and alimony.
Remittance in major world currencies
NZDA Canada uses the most advanced global electronic money transfer system (SWIFT) to ensure that your foreign currency payments reach your designated bank account quickly.
You transfer funds to NZDA via bank transfer, electronic payment or other accepted payment method and entrust it with the purchase of USTD.